Wednesday, January 30, 2002

(2,926 grams or 6 lbs. 7.2 oz.)

Mom arrived in time for my 11 a.m. feeding today and we worked on our breastfeeding. I did a pretty good job. I think I'm over the worst of my withdrawals from the sedatives I'd been receiving since my surgery and have only been fussy when I'm hungry or ready for a diaper change. I really love being rocked and there are lots of volunteers to make sure I get ample rocking each day:) Tonight Annie, one of the occupational therapists, came for my 8 p.m. feeding to help Mom and I. She gave Mom and I some good tips and it was our best feeding yet. Dad was able to sneak away from the Olympic Village for the day and was there to cheer us on…(or as Mom would say to heckle us). I nursed for almost 20 minutes. I hope Mom and Dad have my room ready because I've got one foot out the door of the hospital!

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

(2,890 grams or 6 lbs. 5.9 oz.)

I am such a little snuggler. I love to be held and loved. Mom got to the hospital a little late today since she had a blow out (I'm talking tire here) on the freeway and had to be towed to an auto shop to get her tire replaced. We worked a little on breastfeeding today and I did okay. It's a lot of hard work for a little guy like me and I kept falling asleep. Give me a couple of days and I will have it down pat.

Monday, January 28, 2002

(3,010 grams or 6 lbs. 10.2 oz.)

Today I was a bit fussier than usual. I spit up a lot and had a bad case of the runs. Dr. Stoddard said that it could be caused by withdrawals from the sedative they'd been giving me since my surgery. They decided that for the next couple of days they would give me Valium here and there as I exhibited signs of withdrawal. The Valium really seemed to help me calm down. Of course, I was perfectly happy if someone was holding me and rocking me. Mom thought she had died and gone to heaven.

Sunday, January 27, 2002

(3,015 grams or 6 lbs. 10.4 oz.)

The best part about today was seeing my Dad. He's been really busy with the Olympics and has not been able to leave the Olympic Village much. He sat and watched me for a long time, then snuggled and rocked me after Mom tried breastfeeding me. I've lost nearly a pound in the last three days, which is a good thing since I was very swollen. I am feeling much better and have been very alert and interactive. They took me off the remaining sedative (Versed) I was on for my surgery and I am feeling great. My oxygen levels have been really low and I am getting stronger every day. Mom was able to give me a tub bath tonight since all of my IV's have been removed. It was great! Now Mom and I have to get back to breastfeeding then I will be ready to come home. I can't wait and neither can Mom or Dad!

Saturday, January 26, 2002

(3,102 grams or 6 lbs. 13.4 oz.)

What an exciting day today has been. When Mom got to the hospital this afternoon she discovered that they had put me on the Nasal Canula. It was really exciting for Mom because this makes it much easier for her to pick me up. I was wide awake and alert for almost an hour and Mom loved playing with me. Today weaned me the rest of the way off of the Morphine and I seem to be tolerating it very well. I am doing excellent with my oxygen and am only requiring a trace amount. Mom and Dad can't believe how incredibly well I am doing. I'm doing even better than I was before the laser surgery.