Wednesday, January 30, 2002

(2,926 grams or 6 lbs. 7.2 oz.)

Mom arrived in time for my 11 a.m. feeding today and we worked on our breastfeeding. I did a pretty good job. I think I'm over the worst of my withdrawals from the sedatives I'd been receiving since my surgery and have only been fussy when I'm hungry or ready for a diaper change. I really love being rocked and there are lots of volunteers to make sure I get ample rocking each day:) Tonight Annie, one of the occupational therapists, came for my 8 p.m. feeding to help Mom and I. She gave Mom and I some good tips and it was our best feeding yet. Dad was able to sneak away from the Olympic Village for the day and was there to cheer us on…(or as Mom would say to heckle us). I nursed for almost 20 minutes. I hope Mom and Dad have my room ready because I've got one foot out the door of the hospital!

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