Saturday, January 19, 2002

(2,983 grams or 6 lbs. 9.2 oz.)

Today was a scary day for me. At about 12:30 a.m. my blood pressure dropped dangerously low. They immediately began giving me "volume" (additional liquid) and began an IV of Dopamine (a drug to help raise my blood pressure). They followed me closely and by about 11:00 a.m. my blood pressure slowly but surely crept back up to where it needed to be. They were able to wean me off the Dopamine by mid afternoon. I went from having no IV's to having three, one in each hand and one on the top of my head. I've begun to stir a little bit since my surgery but am still really groggy. I opened my eyes for just a quick moment. Mom stayed right by my bed all day long and dad came down as soon as he got off work. The next couple of days are going to be tough ones but I'm a tough little guy and will be back in good shape in no time. I just hope that Mom and Dad don't worry too much.

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