Wednesday, December 26, 2001

(2,112 grams or 4 lbs. 10.5 oz.)

I'm still hanging tough on my breathing and have done a great job with the Nasal CPAP. My oxygen was at 36 percent and my CO2s were at 46 when Mom left me at about 10pm. Plus, Jan, my respitory therapist, said that my x-rays may have looked a tiny bit better than yesterday! Mom and I had a busy night. Mom and Mindy (my nurse tonight) gave me my first big boy bath in a bathtub that rolls up to my incubator. I loved it and did really well. Mom was pretty nervous because they unhooked me from all of the monitors that tell what my heart rate is and how I am doing with oxygen. Mindy kept reassuring Mom that if I was having trouble we would be able to tell. (You know, I'd turn blue.) Mom changed my bedding and put on the cute blankets that Charlynn (Mom's friend) made for me. Mom also dressed me in a cute little navy blue one-zie that she bought for me. I am the most stylin' baby in the NICU!

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