Sunday, December 16, 2001

(1,907 grams or 4 lbs. 3.3 oz. - including CPAP equipment -)

Well, today was the big day, at 4:00 pm they extibated me and tried the CPAP again! (Again, the CPAP let's me do all of my own breathing, it just provides a tiny bit of pressure to keep my lungs open and gives me a little oxygen boost.) So far, I'm doing great and without that tube down my throat, Mom and Dad could hear me cry for the first time since I was born. Dad got kinda teary himself at hearing that. My voice is raspy and my cries sound like little squeaks, but give me a chance, you try having a big tube down your throat for your entire life and let's listen to your voice! Hopefully, I do well with my CPAP and I won't have to go back on the ventilator. My chances of getting more pneumonias goes way up with that thing. Wish me luck!

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