Monday, December 17, 2001

(1,859 grams or 4 lbs. 1.6 oz.)

I am such a trooper. I kept on breathing without the ventilator for 8 whole hours. At a little before midnight yesterday, Dr. Mitton had an x-ray taken to see how my little lungs were doing off of the ventilator. When he looked at the x-ray, he was concerned that my lungs weren't as expanded as they needed to be and that it was causing me to work too hard. My lungs aren't quite ready but I'm getting closer. Dad had to go home to get some sleep since he had to be to work early this morning, but Mom stayed with me until they reintubated me at midnight. She got me all snuggled in my incubator and told me what a good job I did and how she and Dad were SO proud of me for being such a "tough" little guy! I am all pooped out from all of that hard breathing so they are giving me a little extra support on my ventilator so that I can have a little rest. You just watch, I'll be breathing all by myself in no time at all!

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