Wednesday, December 19, 2001

(1,826 grams or 4 lbs. 0.4 oz.)

I'm a pretty amazing little guy! Mom called to check on me at about 9 a.m. and was surprised to learn that at 4:30 a.m. I decided that I'd had enough of my ventilator and pulled out my own tube. They put the nasal CPAP on and I've done well with it all day. I've been off my ventilator for 20 hours now (it's after midnight) and I'm going strong. Mom says that I'm just like Dad; I will do it . . . if I can do it on my own terms.

Speaking of Dad, he had me just by himself tonight. (Mom was throwing a baby shower for her best friend Charlynn and her baby Samantha.) He was a little nervous, I could tell. He's been here with me for over 7 weeks, but always with Mom. Right when Dad got there, I got a little flustered and Dad tried to calm me down, but I just couldn't/wouldn't. I looked at him as he talked and talked to me and I knew that he was starting to feel a little out of his element, but he just kept going, doing the best he could, which is all I could ask for. I grabbed on to his huge finger and tried to calm him down, I think it worked. He relaxed, and the tears in his eyes faded. Good thing I was there to take care of him!

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